As our world came to a full stop last year because of the pandemic, we decided to become a more sustainable food destination in order to empower our staff and guests to consume responsibly and minimize the damage people do to the environment.

1. Used edible oils are gathered in barrels and delivered once a month to a lab in Southern Crete, where they’re converted to heating diesel and soap. This is approximately 30 liters of cooked oil monthly, which otherwise would end up in soil grounds, infecting flora and fauna and harming the environment.

2. Bones and heads from shrimps and fish are used with special herbs and groceries to produce sauces. Food leftovers are gathered at the end of the day in big buckets, for local farmers to collect in the morning to feed their animals (chicken, turkeys, pigs etc). This lowers food waste across the area and provides higher standard of living to the locals.

3. The family also owns 3 blocks of apartments with olive orchards that produce organic olive oil served in the restaurant.

4. Part of the Seafood used (octopus, squid, shrimps and mussels) is frozen since most of these species are overfished and difficult to find in large amounts. Fishing of these species is forbidden in the Mediterranean from late May until late October. Mussels always come from Greek sea-farms and octopus mainly from the Aegean sea. Fresh fish is always caught from the eastern and south shores of Crete. The species chosen to be served are commonly found in large quantities around the Mediterranean.